Filter criteria are specified as the column name, followed by an equality, inequality, or Boolean operator, followed by the filter value. 过滤条件可以指定为列名,其后跟等式、不等式或布尔运算符,然后是过滤值。
The proof is based on an energy inequality and the density of the range of the operator generated by the studied problem. 本文研究高阶复合方程基于能量不等式和生成算子的稠密性。
An Inequality for Sublinear Operator T in Orlicz Space Orlicz空间中次线性算子T的一个不等式
The penalization method is our main method and the main tools are the extension of the Bihari inequality and the Yosida approximation of the subdifferential operator of the convex function. 文中所使用的主要方法是罚则函数法,主要工具是Bihari不等式的一个推广形式及凸函数次微分算子的Yosida逼近。
An inequality on the positive definite operator in Hilbert space Hilbert空间有界自伴正可逆算子的一个不等式
The authors give the two-weight weak-type inequality for the rough fractional integral operator, which is an extension of result obtained by Cruz-Uribe and P é rez. 作者得到了粗糙核分数次积分算子的两权弱型不等式,推广了Cruz-Uribe和Pérez的结果。
Weighted Inequality of the Maximal Operator Associated with Orlicz Function on Non-Homogeneous Spaces and its Applications 非齐型空间中与Orlicz函数相关的极大函数的加权不等式及其应用
In this paper we prove a class of operator convex sequences inequality by means of the theory of majorization. It is an operator generalization to convex sequences inequality. 利用控制不等式理论证明一类算子凸序列不等式,把凸序列不等式推广到算子。
On the Von Neumann's Inequality in Operator Spectral Theory 关于算子谱集理论中的vonNeumann不等式的研究
Weighted weak type inequality for a general maximal operator on Lorentz spaces Lorentz空间极大函数的加权弱型不等式
A multiplicative Schwarz Alternating Method for a variational inequality with a nonlinear monotone operator 一类非线性单调型变分不等式的乘法型Schwarz交替法
In this paper, we discuss the problem relating to Bellman inequality, apply the polar representation of compact operators and a matrix trace inequality by Chen Gong-ning, and derive a similar inequality on operator trace. 本文讨论Bellman不等式的相关问题,利用紧算子的极表示以及陈公宁的一个矩阵迹的不等式,得到算子迹的相应不等式。
The weak bounded inequality on B_ ( q,∞) for the maximal partial Fourier sums operator is established. 证明了极大Fourier部分和算子在空间B(q,∞)上的弱有界性。
Normal Inequality of Operator Matrix on Spaces π空间上算子矩阵的范数不等式
Spectra and Inequality of Generalized p-self-adjoint Operator 广义p自共轭算子的谱及不等式
At the same time, according to [ 21], we obtain the Brunn-Minkowski inequality in domain for the first eigenvalue of the corresponding Hessian operator, the point is the strict convexity result. 同时,运用[21]中的思想我们还能得到相应Hesaian算子的第一特征值的关于区域的Brunn-Minkowski不等式,关键是利用了严格的凸性结果。
Minkowski inequality is one of the classical inequality, it has important applications in geometry, optimal control, matrix theory, operator theory, function and so on. Minkowski不等式是经典的不等式之一,它在几何、最优化控制、矩阵论、算子理论、函数等各方面都有重要的应用。
Based on Lyapunov stability theory and linear matrix inequality approach, a sufficient condition of delay-dependent robust fault-tolerant D-stabilization for delta operator systems with time-delay and actuator failure is provided. 基于Lyapunov稳定性理论和LMI方法,提出了执行器故障情形下Delta算子系统时滞依赖鲁棒D稳定容错控制的充分条件。